We welcome you as an application for employment! Career Solutions in St. Cloud, MN is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, creed, religion, national origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, or status with regards to public assistance. Individuals are evaluated and selected solely on the basis of merit.
This application is available in diverse formats. Complete all applicable areas. (Do not mark your application “See resume”). An incomplete application may reduce your opportunity for employment with Career Solutions. Applications must be received by the application deadline. Late applications will not be considered. (If handwritten, please use ink).
Please give accurate, complete employment information. List your present or must recent experience fist. Attach additional sheets if necessary. DO NOT MARK YOUR APPLICATION “PLEASE SEE RESUME.” IF YOU DO, YOUR APPLICATION MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED.
Minnesota law affects you as an applicant for employment with Career Solutions. The following data is public information and is accessible to anyone: veteran’s status, relevant test scores, rank on eligibility list, education and training, job history and work availability. All other personally identifiable information is considered private, but not limited to, your name, home address, and phone number. As an applicant, your name is considered private unless you are selected to be interviewed by the appointing authority prior to selection.
This information requested on the application is necessary, either to identify you or to assist in determining your suitability for the position for which you are applying. You may legally refuse, but refusal to supply the requested information will mean that your application for employment may not be considered.
If you are selected for employment with Career Solutions, the following additional information about you will be public: name; gross salary; salary range; contract fees; actual gross pension; the value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits: the basis for, and the amount of, any added remunerations, including expenses reimbursements in additional to salary; job title; job description; educational and training background; previous work experience; date of first employment and last employment; the status of any complaints or charges against the employee whether or not the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action; the final disposition of any disciplinary action and supporting documentation; work location; a work telephone number; badge number; honors and awards received; payroll time sheets or other comparable data entry that are only used to account for employee’s work time for payroll purposes, except to the extent that releases of time sheets data would reveal the employee’s reasons for the use of sick or other medical leave or other non-public data; and city and county of residence. Anything not previously listed which is placed in your application folder or your personnel file – such as medical information, letter of recommendation, resumes, etc. – is made private information by law.
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer/Americans with Disabilities Act
By writing my name I agree and understand that any falsified information or significant omissions on either the application or during my interview may disqualify me from further consideration for employment and may be considered justification or dismissal. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application or made during my interview for employment as may be necessary in arriving at employment decision. I release such employers and individuals from all liability for damages whatsoever that may arise form furnishing this information.