Do you want to get a jumpstart on your future? Explore careers and gain experience? Earn money? Start a resume? Earn High School graduation credit?
You’re invited to join Youth At Work!
- Students from St Cloud School district
- Sauk Rapids Rice School District
- An Experiential Learning Opportunity
- Get a 30 hour Paid Work Experience
- Get a 10 hour Volunteer Experience
- Develop work readiness skills to add to your resume
- Prepare for success in a future career
- Preferably close to your home or school
- EX: Nursing Home, kidstops, schools, Catholic Charities
- Earn Money! (Subsidized by the State of MN)
- Explore careers by actually working in them
- Develop a work history to add to your resume
- Earn graduation credit through your High School
Complete the following paperwork:
- Parent Permission
- Release to work site
- Media release
- Training plan
The worksite interview:
- Call worksite and set up interview. Go to the interview.
- Call Career Planner after interview & make appointment to write worksite agreement.
Complete your 30 hours paid work agreement hours as well as the 10 volunteer hours.
- Turn in time sheets and get paid for Work Experience.
- Turn in your log for the 10 hours of volunteering to get stipend for volunteering.
- Turn in log and daily journal for both to get High School credit toward graduation.