Do you want to get a jumpstart on your future?  Explore careers and gain experience?  Earn money?  Start a resume?  Earn High School graduation credit? 

You’re invited to join Youth At Work!

Youth At Work


  • Students from St Cloud School district
  • Sauk Rapids Rice School District


  • An Experiential Learning Opportunity
  • Get a 30 hour Paid Work Experience
  • Get a 10 hour Volunteer Experience
  • Develop work readiness skills to add to your resume
  • Prepare for success in a future career


  • Preferably close to your home or school
  • EX: Nursing Home, kidstops, schools, Catholic Charities


  • Earn Money! (Subsidized by the State of MN)
  • Explore careers by actually working in them
  • Develop a work history to add to your resume
  • Earn graduation credit through your High School


Complete the following paperwork:

  1. Parent Permission
  2. Release to work site
  3. Media release
  4. Training plan

The worksite interview:

  1. Call worksite and set up interview. Go to the interview.
  2. Call Career Planner after interview & make appointment to write worksite agreement.

Complete your 30 hours paid work agreement hours as well as the 10 volunteer hours.

  1. Turn in time sheets and get paid for Work Experience.
  2. Turn in your log for the 10 hours of volunteering to get stipend for volunteering.
  3. Turn in log and daily journal for both to get High School credit toward graduation.